Because the common use of this index is for looking up specific invoices by INVOICE_NUMBER, the new RANDOM ordering option provides a good solution. 因为此索引的常见用途是按INVOICENUMBER查找特定发票,新RANDOM排序选项提供了一个不错的解决方案。
For example, the number of items listed in an invoice that is output from a map might well match the number of items listed in an order that is an input to the map. 例如,假设一个映射的输入是订单,输出是发票,发票中列出的物品数量很可能与订单中列出的物品数量匹配。
The packing list should be indicated with shipping weight, number and date of corresponding invoice. 装箱单上应注明发货质及相应发票的编号和日期。
The temporary model and form number ( attached behind) of the Special Invoice. 《专用发票》暂定式样和联次(式样附后)。
After the goods are completely loaded, the Sellers shall notify, by cable, the buyer of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoice value, port of destination, name of the carrying vessel and the date of sailing. 货物装船后,卖方应立即将合同号码、商品名称、数量、发票金额、目的口岸、船名、开航时间电告买方。
If a shipment consists of a large number of packages containing according to the invoice, the same kind of goods as was the case here, it is neither necessary nor customary to examine each individual package. 根据发货单,如果装运的货物像本案一样,是由大量装有同类货物的包装组成,那么逐一检查每一包货物,既不必要也不符合习惯。
Shipping advice: the seller shall, immediately upon the completion of loading of the commodity, notify the buyer the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoice value, name of carrying vessel and date of sailing. 装船通知,卖方在装船完毕后,需立即通知买方合同号,品名,数量,毛重,发票金额,船名以及船期。
The number of the purchase order is in the left-hand corner of your invoice. 订单号码在你发票的左上角。